Saturday February 8th. Registration begins at 7:30am, meeting starts at 9am.
Jefferson County Fairgrounds 15200 W 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401
Official Call of the JCR Reorganizational Meeting
Current Jefferson County Bylaws
Visitors are welcome! Please check in at the visitor table the day of the meeting.

If you are interested in running to be a Bonus Member for Congressional District 6, Congressional District 7, and/or for State Bonus Member, click the following links:
If you are interested in being on the Commissioner Vacancy Committee, use this link:
If you are interested in being an officer for Jeffco Republicans, use the following link and choose which office you want to run for:
Current Bonus Member Candidates
These lists will be updated every few days to reflect new submissions, up until the February 2, 2025, 5:00pm deadline to have your name and info published on this website for Central Committee Members to review. Anyone that signs up after this date, up to 30 minutes (8:30 a.m.) the day of the meeting, must submit the necessary information to Jackie Schroeder, JCR Secretary at Secretary@jeffcorepublicans.com. Submissions after February 2nd at 5:00pm will be considered “write-ins”.