(of Colorado)
The name of this organization shall be the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee.
Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee (JCR) is to provide the organization to nominate and elect Republican candidates to public office and to achieve the objectives of the Republican Party as reflected in the National, State and County Platforms. Its duties and methods shall comply with National and State constitutions and statutes and the Rules and Bylaws of the National and State Republican Central Committee (RNC and CRC).
Section 1. Membership Qualifications. All voting members must reside within Jefferson County, Colorado (the “County” or “Jefferson County”) and be registered to vote as Republicans for a period of at least twenty-two (22) days prior to their election or appointment and throughout the period of their membership. Committeepersons shall be qualified in accordance with state statute[1], which generally requires residency in their respective precincts for twenty-two (22) days.
Section 2. Classes of Membership.
A. Voting Members. The voting members of the JCR shall be those of the following who meet the Membership Qualifications in 1. above: the Republican Area Coordinators, District
Captains, and precinct committeepersons from all election precincts within the County; the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of each state judicial district, state house district and state senate district that is fully or partially within the County, the
Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the JCR; the elected Republican State and
Jefferson County public officials, United States Senators and Representatives, and the District Attorney for the First Judicial District (all of whom are hereinafter referred to collectively as “Elected Public Officials”)..[2]
B. Honorary Members: The honorary members of the JCR shall include the elected officers of the CRC and the Republican National Committeeman and Committeewoman for Colorado, and shall be non-voting members.
Section 3. Existence of a Vacancy in Membership. A vacancy in the membership of the JCR shall exist in the event of a member’s ineligibility, inability to serve, death, resignation, or removal. A member shall be deemed unable to serve upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the JCR who are present and voting at a meeting of the JCR. Members shall be deemed to be ineligible, have died or resigned upon receipt of notice of ineligibility, death or resignation by the Secretary or, in the absence of the Secretary, the Executive Committee. A member may be removed for good cause by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the full membership of the JCR. [3].
Section 4. Vacancies in Membership. Any vacancy in the voting membership of the JCR shall be filled by the affirmative vote of two or more members of the Central Committee Vacancy Committee. The Central Committee Vacancy Committee for the purpose of filling a vacancy in the voting membership of the JCR shall consist of the elected officers of the JCR. Persons elected to fill a vacancy in the offices of precinct committeeperson shall satisfy all the membership requirements set forth in these JCR bylaws.[4] The filling of all such vacancies will be ratified by a majority vote at a JCR central committee meeting. [5]
Section 5. Credentials Committee. The elected officers of the JCR shall serve as the Credentials Committee for the purpose of determining by majority vote the qualification of any person to serve as a member of the JCR. If the Credentials Committee is unable to render a decision on the qualification of a person to serve as a member of the JCR, those members of the JCR whose qualifications are not disputed shall determine by majority vote whether such person is qualified as a member of the JCR. The qualifications of each person whose qualifications to serve as a member of the JCR are disputed, shall be considered and voted on individually.
Section 6. Eligibility of Voting Members. Upon verification that a member has expressed public support of a candidate opposing a Republican nominee in a general election, the elected officers of JCR, in their discretion, may seek to suspend such member’s privileges on the JCR, including publicly requesting such member to resign.[6]
Section 7. Pre-Primary Neutrality. No candidate for any designation or nomination for partisan public office shall be endorsed, supported, or opposed by the JCR acting as an entity, or by any JCR Elected Officer, JCR Appointed Officer, JCR Area Coordinator or JCR committees, before the Primary Election, unless such candidate is unopposed in the Primary Election. All other members of JCR are not prohibited from such acts.
Section 1. Term and Qualifications of Officers.
A. Elected Officers. The elected officers of the JCR shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.[7]
1. The elected officers shall satisfy the qualifications of a JCR member as defined in Article III, Section 1. these bylaws, but nominees for officers do not need to be voting members of the JCR.
2. No elected officer of the JCR or their spouse or civil union partner shall be an Elected Public Official (as defined in Article III Section 2. above).
3. The elected officers of the JCR shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the organizational meeting and shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified to serve.
4. The elected officers may vote and otherwise participate in meetings of the JCR, except that the Chairman (or the Vice Chairman in the Chairman’s absence) as presiding officer, may vote on standing, raised hands, and ballot votes only in case of a tie.
5. No officer may serve in more than one of the three elected offices of the JCR at any given time.
B. Appointed Officers. The appointed officers of the JCR shall be the Treasurer, chairmen of standing committees, and such additional officers as the Chairman may deem necessary to serve the best interests of the JCR.
1. The Chairman shall appoint the appointed officers at the organization meeting or as soon thereafter as possible.
2. Appointed officers shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman and shall satisfy the qualifications of a JCR member in Article III, Section 1. of these bylaws.[8]
Section 2. Duties of Officers:
A. Chairman. The Chairman, as the chief executive officer of the JCR, shall perform such duties and have such powers as are incident to the Office of Chairman. In addition, the Chairman shall:
1. Direct the activities of the JCR, Area Coordinators, District Captains, and Precinct Committeepersons.
2. Preside at all meetings of the JCR, the Executive Committee, and the Credentials Committee.
3. Observe and enforce the bylaws of the JCR.
4. Appoint necessary staff members and members of the standing committees and special committees.
5. Appoint members of the Executive Committee, as provided by these bylaws.
6. Assure that all orders and resolutions of the JCR Executive Committee and County Assembly are followed.
7. Serve as a voting member of all standing and special committees.
8. Serve as Chairman of the County Assembly
9. Call all meetings of the JCR, including County Assembly and Executive Committee.
10.Perform such other duties as the JCR, Executive Committee, or County Assembly may assign or as may be required by law, i.e., precinct caucuses.
B. Vice Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the execution of his or her duties. In addition, the Vice Chairman shall:
1. Exercise the powers and assume the duties of the Chairman in the absence or inability to perform of the Chairman, except that the Vice Chairman shall not have the power to make any appointments.
2. Perform such other duties as the JCR, Executive Committee, County Assembly, or Chairman may assign.
C. Secretary. The Secretary shall perform such duties and have such powers as are incident to the office of Secretary, including the duty and power to: give notice of all JCR meetings, Executive and County Assembly meetings; attend all such meetings and keep a written record of the proceedings; and be custodian of the records of the JCR, Executive Committee, vacancy committees, Credentials Committee, and County Assembly. The Secretary shall also maintain a current list at all times of all members and officers of the JCR, the Executive Committee, and the officers of State and County Republican Party organizations. In addition, the Secretary shall:
1. Provide to the elected officers of the JCR, at least five days prior to the convening of a County Assembly, a temporary roll of the delegates entitled to participate in such Assembly or other higher assemblies/conventions. The roll shall be prepared from the credentials of uncontested delegates forwarded to the Secretary from precinct caucuses.
2. Serve as Secretary at all meetings of the JCR, Executive Committee, Credentials Committee, vacancy committees, and County Assembly.
3. Prepare and verify all credentials for delegates to the County Assembly.
4. Prepare certificates showing designations made by the County Assembly or to other higher assemblies/conventions.
5. Forward to the secretaries of other assemblies and conventions the names of all persons elected as delegates or alternates to such assemblies or conventions from precincts within Jefferson County.
6. Prepare the organizational assets of the committee for the biannual organizational meeting to ensure proper handover of membership lists, caucus lists, candidate lists, donor lists, data systems access information, meeting minutes, committee lists, reports, caucus location contacts, assembly location contacts, Treasurer’s reports, native version of the bylaws, and other valuable organizational information. This information shall be turned over to the new Executive Committee and Chairman at the conclusion of the organizational meeting.
7. Perform such other duties as the JCR, Executive Committee, County Assembly or Chairman may assign or as may be required by law.
D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform such duties and have such powers as are incident to the office of Treasurer, including without limitation the duty and power to: keep and be responsible for all funds and financial records of the JCR, deposit funds of the JCR in depositories selected by the Executive Committee, or Chairman; and render written annual statements to the Executive Committee of the financial condition of the JCR. In addition, the Treasurer shall:
1. Report orally on the financial condition of the JCR at each meeting of the JCR and Executive Committee.
2. Prepare and file all financial reports as required by law.
3. Perform such other duties as the JCR, Executive Committee, County Assembly or the Chairman may assign or as may be required by law.
Section 1. Nominations.
A. Method of Nomination. Candidates for any elected office of the JCR shall be nominated from the floor at the biennial organizational meeting in accordance with the rules adopted for that meeting or, in the event of an election to fill a vacancy, at the meeting of the JCR called to fill the vacancy.
B. Persons Who May Make a Nomination. Nominations for any elected office of the JCR or a vacancy in the membership of the JCR may be made only by a voting member of the JCR who is present at the appropriate JCR meeting.
Section 2. Elections.
A. Secret Ballot. All elections of the JCR shall be conducted by a secret, paper ballot or electronic device unless there is only one nominee for the office, then the vote may be by voice.
B. Voting Procedure. The officers shall be elected individually in the following order: Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. A nominee for an office or to fill a vacancy in an office shall be elected by receiving a majority of the votes cast for the office. If no nominee receives a majority of the votes in the first ballot there will be a second ballot. If any nominee withdraws during or following the first ballot, then the remaining nominee(s) shall be eligible for the second ballot. If there are no such withdrawals, one nominee who received the least number of votes in the first ballot and all nominees who received less than ten percent (10%) of the vote in the first ballot shall not be eligible for the second ballot and all subsequent ballots unless eliminating such nominee(s) would result in less than two nominees being eligible for the second ballot in which case the two nominees with the most votes in the first ballot shall be eligible for the second ballot. If the second or any subsequent ballot does not result in a majority vote for a nominee, then only the two nominees with the most votes in the second or any subsequent ballot who have not withdrawn shall be eligible for the next ballot. In the event there is a tie vote for two or more nominees in any ballot where one of such tied nominees would otherwise be eligible for the next ballot, all nominees with the tie vote shall be eligible for the next ballot. Balloting shall continue in this manner until a majority vote is cast for one nominee.
Section 3. Vacancies and Removal of Officers.
A. Vacancy Conditions. A vacancy shall exist in the event of a JCR elected officer’s ineligibility, death, resignation, removal, or inability to serve.
1. Removal of JCR Elected Officers. The Executive Committee may recommend to the JCR the removal of an elected officer by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting at a meeting called for such purpose. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, an elected officer shall be removed and a vacancy in office declared by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the JCR present and voting at the JCR meeting called for such purpose.
2. Death or Resignation. Upon the death of an officer or upon receipt of the officer’s resignation letter, the Secretary (or, in the case of the Secretary, the Executive Committee) shall declare a vacancy to exist. Such resignation shall take effect on the date specified therein and no acceptance of same shall be necessary to make it effective.
3. Ineligibility to Serve. The JCR may declare by the affirmative vote of a majority of its members present and voting at a meeting that a vacancy exists in an elected office because of an officer’s ineligibility or physical, emotional, and/or mental inability to serve.
B. Filling of Vacancy. The voting membership of the JCR shall fill any vacancy in JCR elected officers.
C. JCR Call. If the JCR removes an elected officer of the JCR or declares a vacancy to exist in an elected office of the JCR, any remaining officer shall call a meeting of the JCR to occur within forty-five days after the date on which such officer is removed, the effective date of a resignation, or a vacancy is declared in an elected office.
1. Notice of Meeting. The Executive Committee shall direct the Secretary to provide (and the Secretary shall provide) written or electronic notice of any meeting to each member of the JCR. This notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting and shall be deemed delivered upon the deposit of the notice in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid or by electronic means, directed to the committee member at his or her address as it appears on the official JCR record, as maintained by the Secretary.
D. Successors in Office. A person elected to fill a vacancy shall continue in office for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office.
Section 1. Membership. The Executive Committee of the JCR shall consist of the elected officers of the JCR, Area Coordinators, Elected Public Officials, the most recent nominees for partisan offices, the Republican Chairman of each state judicial district, state house district and state senate district that is fully or partially within the County, Chairmen of JCR committees, and such other individuals as the Chairman may appoint. Appointed members of the Executive Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman. All members of the Executive Committee shall reside within Jefferson County and be registered to vote as Republican at the time of their appointment and throughout the period of their membership of the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Duties. The Executive Committee shall:
A. Serve as an advisory committee to the JCR and the Chairman.
B. Exercise any and all powers conferred on it by the JCR, Chairman, CRC, these bylaws, or applicable provisions of law.
C. Recommend the removal of elected officers, accept resignations and declare vacancies.
D. Receive and review all reports from committees.
E. Apportion the number of delegates and alternates from each precinct to participate in the County Assembly in direct relation to the number of votes received in each precinct by the Republican candidate for governor or president in the last general election.[9]
F. Perform such other duties as the JCR or Chairman may assign.
Section 3. Meetings.
A. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall convene upon the call of the Chairman.
B. Special Meetings. Special Executive Committee meetings may be called by the
Chairman or upon the written request of one-third of the members of the Executive
Committee. The purpose of a Special meeting shall be stated in the notice of the meeting.
C. Notice. Written or electronic notice of a regular or special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be made to each committee member at least 10 days before the meeting or notice may be given by phone or in person at least 5 days before the meeting.
Section 1. Membership and Function. The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall consist of the JCR members. The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall meet and elect a qualified person to fill any vacancy in the office of County Commissioner in accordance with Section 5 below. [10] The County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee shall consist of seven voting members. The County Chairman, Vice Chair and Secretary shall serve as three of the voting members of the committee. Four members of the committee will be elected at-large at the organizational meeting in accordance with Section 2 below. Members of said Committee shall serve a term of two years or until their successors in office are elected and qualified to serve. All County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee members must be members of JCR, provided that no Elected Public Official or their spouse or their civil union partner may be elected as a committee member. The County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee shall fill any vacancy in the designation or nomination and make recommendations in accordance with Section 4 below.
Section 2. Election of County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee Members. Elections shall be conducted at the organizational meeting of the JCR (or at such subsequent meeting as may be called for such purpose) to determine the membership of the County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee. Those four persons for the at-large membership on the committee receiving the greatest number of votes at such election shall be deemed elected to the County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee. All such elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. If two or more persons receive an equal number of votes for the last available place on the Committee, the winner shall be determined by lot.
Section 3. Vacancies in Committee Membership. A vacancy in the membership of the County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall exist in the event of a member’s ineligibility, death, resignation, or inability to serve. A vacancy in membership shall be determined in the same manner as provided for JCR elected officers.[11] Such vacancy shall be filled by election at the next regular or special meeting of the JCR. Notice of such vacancy shall be provided in writing in the notice of the JCR meeting.
Section 4. Vacancies in Designations or Nominations, Recommendations. Any vacancy in the designation or nomination of a candidate for any County office shall be filled in accordance with the procedures set forth in state statute.[12] The County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee shall serve as the vacancy committee to fill all such vacancies. If allowed by law, the County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee shall also make recommendations for a replacement to fill vacancies in county elected offices other than county commissioner if the vacancy is to be filled by another person or office.
Section 5. Vacancies in the Office of County Commissioner. The County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall fill any vacancy occurring in the office of County Commissioner by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of such Committee present and voting at a meeting called for such purpose in accordance with law using the voting procedure set forth in Article V, Section 2, Subsection B. All voting to fill such a vacancy shall be conducted by secret ballot and proxy voting shall not be allowed. Each such vacancy shall be filled within ten days after such vacancy occurs or within such period of time as may otherwise be provided by law. A quorum for any meeting of the County Commissioner Vacancy Committee shall consist of one half of the committee members.[13]
Section 1. Organizational Meeting. The biennial organizational meeting of the JCR shall be held between February 1 and 15 of the odd-numbered years as required[14] for the purposes of:
A. Electing a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary.
B. Electing four at-large persons to serve on the County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee.
C. Electing state central committee bonus members (State Bonus Members), judicial district central committee bonus members (Judicial Bonus Members), and congressional district central committee bonus members (Congressional Bonus Members) (collectively “Bonus Members”).[15]
D. Electing District Captains.
E. Conducting such other business as may properly come before it.
Section 2. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the JCR shall be held at least three times in each two year period at a time, date, and place within Jefferson County as designated by the Chairman. For purposes of this section, a two year period shall be measured from the date of the most recent JCR organizational meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the JCR may be called at any time by the Chairman on his or her own initiative, by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, or on the written request of fifty of the voting members of the JCR. Special meetings shall be held within thirty days of the call at a time, date, and place within Jefferson County, as designated by the Chairman.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings. Written or electronic notice of any meeting shall be made to each member of the JCR at least ten days before the meeting. This notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting and shall be deemed delivered upon the deposit of the notice in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid or email, directed to the committee member at his or her address as it appears on the official JCR record, as maintained by the Secretary. Personal or telephone notice may be made at least five days before the meeting. The business of the meeting shall not be limited to the matters stated in the notice unless the notice is for a special meeting.
Section 5. State, Judicial District and Congressional District Central Committee Bonus Members.
A. Eligibility. The eligibility of a person to serve as a Bonus Member shall be determined by the bylaws of the respective central committee for which bonus membership is sought.
B. Joint Election. Persons elected as State Bonus Members shall also be Judicial Bonus Members.
C. Notice. No person may be elected as a Bonus Member unless they give notice of their intent to be elected to the JCR Secretary. Such notice must be delivered to the JCR Secretary on or before 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time for the call to order of the JCR organizational meeting as published in the Official Call and shall be in writing or by electronic communication approved by the JCR Secretary. Such notice must contain all of the following information: i) the central committee (state/judicial and/or congressional district number) for which the person seeks to be elected as a Bonus Member; ii) the person’s name, full street address, contact phone, and contact email address; and iii) the person’s voter identification number.
D. Election. Bonus Member elections shall be conducted at the organizational meeting of the JCR (or at such subsequent meeting as may be called for such purpose). Those persons receiving the greatest number of votes at such election shall be deemed elected as Bonus Members. All such elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. If two or more persons receive an equal number of votes for the last available Bonus Member position, the winner shall be determined by lot.
E. Vacancy. Any Bonus Member vacancy, determined to exist under the bylaws of the central committee to which the Bonus Member is elected, shall be filled by the Executive Committee at its next regular or special meeting. In filling such vacancy, the Executive Committee will appoint the person or persons who received the most votes at the JCR organizational meeting but who were not elected as Bonus Members. If there are not sufficient persons who received votes at the JCR organizational meeting, then the Executive Committee shall elect another person who qualifies to serve as Bonus Member.
Section 1. Method of Voting.
A. Electronic Device, Voice or Rising Vote. With the exception of the election or removal of officers of the JCR, members of the JCR, membership of the County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee, and election of bonus members to the State Central
Committee which shall be by ballot or electronic device, all voting at meetings of the JCR, any vacancy committee and Executive Committee shall be by electronic device, voice, or rising vote, unless otherwise provided by the affirmative vote of a majority of those members present and voting at the meeting.
B. Single Vote. A member shall be entitled to only one vote for himself and one proxy.
Section 2. Proxy Voting
A. Designation. Participation by proxy in any vacancy committee meeting is not allowed. Any voting member who votes by proxy, shall designate his or her proxy on a written form, which shall include the state/judicial and/or congressional district number, precinct number, the person’s name, full street address, contact phone and contact email address and the person’s voter identification number, be dated, witnessed, and delivered to the Secretary or his designee at the appointed time of registration for the meeting and in no instance less than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time for the call to order of the JCR a meeting as published in the Official Call.
1. All proxies shall apply to only a single JCR meeting.
2. An individual designated to cast a proxy vote shall be qualified to be a member of the JCR shall attend the meeting in person, and shall reside in the same state representative district as his or her principal.
B. Absence from Meeting. A person designated to cast a proxy may vote only if his or her principal is absent from the meeting at the time of the vote.
Section 3. Quorum Requirements.
A. JCR. A quorum for any meeting of the JCR shall be one-third of the voting members of the JCR, including proxies.
B. Executive Committee. A quorum for any regular meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the elected officers of the JCR. A quorum for any special meeting of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee present at said meeting.
C. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of the JCR, a vacancy committee, or Executive Committee, the Chairman or the voting members present may adjourn a meeting to a future date, time and place not less than ten, nor more than thirty, days from the date of the original meeting and notice shall be republished. Such adjournment may be continued from time to time until a quorum is present.
Section 1. Standing Committees: The standing committees of the JCR shall include the
Administration Committee, Arrangements Committee, Bylaws Committee, Communications Committee, Finance Committee, Training Committee, Central Committee Vacancy Committee, and such other Committees as may be deemed necessary by the Chairman, Executive Committee, or JCR. Unless otherwise specified below, the Chairman shall appoint a Chairman and one or more Vice Chairman(s) to serve on these committees.
A. Administration Committee. Under the direction of the Officers, the Administration Committee supervises the operation of headquarters.
B. Arrangements Committee. The Arrangements Committee shall consist of at least three members, including the JCR Vice Chairman, who shall serve as Chairman of the
Arrangements Committee. The Committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing JCR meetings, County Assemblies, and all other JCR activities.
C. Bylaws Committee. The Chairman of the Bylaws Committee may be the
Parliamentarian. The Bylaws Committee shall review all proposed amendments to these bylaws and make recommendations to the JCR. It shall also notify the JCR of mandatory changes in the bylaws which may be required by the CRC, the Republican National Committee, and Federal and Colorado Election Laws.
D. Communications Committee. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for publicity, internal communication, and education.
E. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall oversee all fundraising efforts.
F. Training Committee. The Training Committee shall be responsible for the administration of all programs to train members of the JCR in the Republican philosophy and organization.
G. Independent Expenditure Committee. The Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC) shall be managed by a non-voting Executive Director and a management committee of five non-compensated committee members appointed by the JCR Chairman to a fixed term of two years. The committee shall be governed by the rules set forth in Appendix A of these bylaws.
Section 2. Special Committees. Special Committees shall be appointed as necessary by the Chairman upon his or her own motion or at the request of the JCR or Executive Committee and shall perform such duties as assigned by the Chairman, Executive Committee, or JCR.
Section 3. Quorum Requirements. The quorum of any standing or special committee shall consist of one-third of the members of the Committee present and voting at said meeting.
Section 1. Date of Meeting. Caucuses will be held on the dates allowed by state law and the choices of the CRC.[16]
Section 2. Eligibility. On precinct caucus day, persons satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to participate in and vote at a precinct caucus:
A. Age. Eighteen years of age or older
B. Citizenship. Citizen of the United States
C. Residency. A resident of the precinct for which the caucus is being held for at least twenty-two days preceding the date of the caucus except as otherwise provided in state statute.[17]
D. Affiliation. Registered to vote as a Republican for the twenty-two days preceding the date of the precinct caucus as shown in the statewide voter registration. However, any registered elector who has attained the age of eighteen years or who has become a naturalized citizen during the twenty-two days immediately preceding the meeting may vote at any caucus even though the elector has been affiliated with the political party for less than twenty-two days. A pre-registrant who is seventeen years of age on the date of the caucus, and who will be eighteen years of age on the date of the next general election may vote at the caucus.
Section 3. Election of Caucus Officer, Delegates and Alternates.[18]
A. Election of Chairman and Secretary. The members of each precinct caucus shall elect a chairman and secretary for their respective caucuses by a majority vote.
B. Election of County Delegates. The members of each precinct caucus shall elect the number of delegates to the County Assembly from their precinct as stated in the call of the caucus. Delegates shall be elected in the order in which they receive votes. Any precinct which elects an elected officer of JCR, Elected Public Official, or District Captain as a delegate to the County Assembly shall receive a bonus delegate to County Assembly for each elected officer of JCR, Elected Public Official, or District Captain so elected, in addition to the delegates otherwise allocated to that precinct. Those persons receiving the greater number of votes shall be elected delegates until all delegate places are filled. If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for the last available delegate place, the delegate place shall be determined by lot among those persons tied for the place.
C. Eligibility of Delegates. Only those persons who are eligible[19] may be elected as a delegate to the County Assembly for that precinct.
Section 4. Nomination and Election of Precinct Committeepersons.
A. Qualifications for Precinct Committeepersons. Only those persons who are eligible[20] and who are registered to vote as Republicans for the twenty-two (22) days preceding precinct caucus day, shall be eligible to be elected and serve as precinct committeepersons. Any person who has attained the age of eighteen or become a naturalized citizen within the twenty-two (22) days immediately preceding precinct caucus day, may also be elected and serve as a precinct committeeperson.[21]
B. Election of Precinct Committeepersons. The two persons who receive the greatest number of votes at a precinct caucus for election as precinct committeepersons shall be elected as the precinct committeepersons for the precinct. If two or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for the second precinct committeeperson, a second ballot shall be taken to elect the second precinct committeeperson from among such candidates. The County Assembly shall ratify the election of all precinct committeepersons after their election. The presiding officer and secretary of the County Assembly shall file a certified list of the names and addresses, by precinct, of those persons elected as precinct committeepersons with the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder within four days after the date of the County Assembly.[22]
C. Caucus Attendance. A person does not have to attend his or her precinct caucus to be elected as precinct committeeperson.
D. Dispute Resolution. All disputes regarding the election of precinct committeepersons shall be determined by the Credentials Committee of the County Assembly.
E. Realigned Precinct Boundaries. Within ten days after the boundaries of a precinct are realigned, the Central Committee Vacancy Committee shall recommend persons to fill the vacancies for committeepersons. If one (or two) present committeeperson(s) reside within the boundaries of the realigned precinct, such person(s) shall be selected as the precinct committeeperson(s) for that precinct. If more than two present precinct committeepersons reside within the boundaries of the realigned precinct, the Central Committee Vacancy Committee shall recommend new precinct committeepersons for the precinct from among such present precinct committeepersons. The selection shall be done by lot. If less than two present precinct committeepersons reside within the boundaries of the realigned precinct, the Central Committee Vacancy Committee shall recommend a precinct committeeperson to fill each vacancy which is not filled by the election of a present precinct committeeperson. Only those persons who have resided within the boundaries of the realigned precinct for the preceding twenty-two (22) days and otherwise satisfy the qualifications of precinct committeepersons[23] shall be eligible for election to fill such vacancy.
F. Qualifications of Successors in Office. All persons selected to fill a vacancy in the office of precinct committeeperson shall satisfy the qualifications for election of a precinct committeeperson as measured on the date of their selection and throughout the period of their service.
G. Period of Service. The persons elected or selected as precinct committeepersons shall assume office immediately following the precinct caucus or their subsequent selection and shall serve until the election or selection and qualification of their successors.
Section 5. Representative, Senatorial, and Other Higher District Assemblies.
A. Representation at Jefferson County State Representative and Senatorial Districts. In each state senatorial and representative district contained wholly within Jefferson County, those persons who are elected within such districts as delegates to the County Assembly shall serve also as delegates to their respective state senatorial and representative district assemblies.
B. Representation at Multiple County State and Senatorial Districts. The voting members of each precinct which is located in a state representative or senatorial district which includes a portion of Jefferson County and one or more other counties shall elect delegates and alternates from their caucus to their respective state senatorial and representative district assemblies in accordance with the call of such assembly issued by the central committee of the affected district.
C. Delegates and Alternates to Higher Assemblies and/or Conventions. The members of the precinct caucus shall also elect the delegates and alternates from the precinct to higher assemblies and/or conventions as appropriate, including congressional district, judicial district, and state assemblies and/or conventions. Such delegates and alternates shall be elected in the same manner as delegates to the County Assembly. If the precinct caucus does not elect persons to fill the delegate and alternate positions to higher assemblies and/or conventions allocated to the precinct, or there are delegate or alternate positions to higher assemblies and/or conventions that are not allocated to precincts, then the JCR Chairman may appoint persons to serve as delegates-at-large or alternates-at large for such positions. Only those persons who otherwise meet the qualifications of a delegate or alternate to such higher assembly and/or convention and who are elected as delegates to the County Assembly shall be eligible for election or appointment as a delegate, alternate, delegate-at large, or alternate-at-large to any higher assembly or convention.
D. Alternatives to Higher Assemblies and/or Conventions.
1. If a precinct delegate is not present, the alternate elected from that precinct’s caucus shall replace the precinct delegate to that higher assembly and/or convention.
2. If delegates-at-large are not present, qualified alternates-at-large shall replace those delegates-at-large in the numerical order set by the County Assembly.
3. When no precinct delegate or precinct alternate is present, a qualified alternate-at large shall cast the vote from that precinct. Such alternate-at-large shall be chosen in the numerical order set by the County Assembly.
4. When there are no alternates-at-large remaining and there are ballots remaining uncast, qualified precinct alternates who have not yet voted shall be called to cast the remaining ballots in the order set by the County Assembly.
E. Delegate Ineligibility. A delegate or alternate who changes his or her precinct residency, party affiliation shall become ineligible to serve as a delegate or alternate from that precinct on that date and at any subsequent assembly or convention.
Section 6. Voting Procedures.
A. Cumulative Voting. Cumulative voting which allows an elector to give more than one vote to a single candidate shall not be permitted in the election of delegates or alternates to any assembly or convention.
B. Proxy Voting. Proxy Voting shall not be permitted in the election of delegates, alternates, or precinct committeepersons.
C. Secret Ballot. Delegates, alternates, and precinct committeepersons shall be elected by a secret ballot unless there is only one nominee for the office, in which case the vote may be by voice.
D. Certification of Nominees and Delegates. The names of precinct committeepersons, delegates to County Assembly and/or convention, and those elected as delegates and alternates for other higher assemblies and conventions shall be certified to the County Assembly by the officers of the precinct caucus within four days after the precinct caucus is held.
E. Resolutions and Other Actions. The precinct caucus may pass resolutions, conduct straw votes, or take other action on matters of concern to voting members of the caucus.
F. Caucus Attendance. The secretary of each precinct caucus shall make a written or electronic record of the name and address of each person who attends the caucus. Said record shall be delivered to the secretary of the JCR within four days after the precinct caucus is held.
G. Delegate Instruction. The precinct caucus may not instruct delegates or alternates to any assembly or convention in the manner in which they should or must vote at such assembly or convention.
Section 1. Duties. Precinct committeepersons shall report directly to the District Captains in their district and shall:
A. Organize the precinct to get out the Republican vote on election day for all Republican candidates.
B. Maintain a current voter registration file through canvas and registration drives.
C. Recruit block workers in the precinct.
D. Post the notice of caucus sign at the selected caucus location no later than 12 days prior to precinct caucus day.
E. Raise funds in the precinct for the JCR.
F. Distribute the campaign literature of all Republican candidates, county brochure, sample ballot, and other Republican Party information to the registered voters in the precinct.
G. Complete the Precinct Report.
H. Such other duties as may be necessary and proper.
Section 2. Removal. Precinct committeepersons may be removed, as provided by state statute, for good cause using the same procedure as for the removal of elected officers of JCR.[24]
Section 1. Office of Area Coordinator. There shall exist the office of Area Coordinator in areas as delineated by the Executive Committee. Each Area Coordinator shall be appointed by the Chairman and serve at the pleasure of the Chairman. There shall be no more than 10 Area Coordinators at any one time.
Section 2. Area Coordinator Qualifications. Each Area Coordinator shall have the qualifications of a voting member of the JCR[25], but does not need to be a precinct committeeperson, shall reside within the district from which selected, and shall be responsible for providing a communication link between the elected officers of the JCR, the District Captains, and precinct committeepersons in the district served by the Area Coordinator. The Area Coordinator shall also perform such other duties as the Chairman of the JCR may assign.
Section 1. Office of District Captain. There shall exist the offices of two District Captains within each district as delineated by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Election of District Captains. The District Captains shall be nominated and elected by majority vote at a meeting called concurrently with the organizational meeting of the JCR. At such meeting, only the precinct committeepersons who reside within the district shall be entitled to vote for the District Captains. District Captains shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the JCR organizational meeting at which they are elected and shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified to serve.
A. Eligibility Requirements. District Captains shall have the qualifications of a voting member of the JCR[26], but do not need to be precinct committeepersons.
B. Voting Procedure. If more than two persons are nominated for the office of District Captain and, if no person has received the required majority vote after one ballot, the nominee receiving the fewest votes on the last ballot shall be dropped from all subsequent ballots unless one or more nominees shall have withdrawn during or following this balloting. The nominee receiving the fewest votes on each ballot thereafter shall also be dropped from subsequent ballots unless one or more nominees withdraw following such ballot. Balloting shall continue in this manner until a majority vote is cast for one nominee for such office.
C. Nominations of Captains. Nominations and voting for District Captains shall continue until two District Captains are elected. The Captains may not vote unless he or she is also committeeperson.
D. Secret Ballot. If more than one person is nominated for the office of District Captain, the voting for such office shall be by secret ballot.
E. Proxy Voting. District Captain elections shall follow the same procedure for proxy voting as set forth for voting at meetings of the JCR.[27]
Section 3. Duties of District Captains. The District Captains shall report to their respective Area Coordinators. In addition, District Captains shall:
A. Conduct the election for District Captain at the organizational meeting.
B. Assist precinct committeepersons in fundraising and distribution of campaign literature.
C. Solicit and make recommendations to the Central Committee Vacancy Committee of persons to fill any vacancies in the membership of the JCR from the district.
D. Insure the proper conduct of the precinct caucuses within the district, including all precaucus requirements of site selection and notice posting.
E. Such other duties as may be necessary and proper or assigned by the JCR, Chairman, Executive Committee, or Area Coordinator.
Section 4. Vacancy in the Office of District Captains.
A. Vacancy. A vacancy shall exist in the event of a District Captain’s ineligibility, death, resignation, removal, or inability to serve.
B. Special Captain’s Election. In the event of a vacancy in the office of a District Captain, the officers of the JCR shall be notified immediately and a special election shall be called to fill the vacancy.
C. Procedure. A committeeperson who resides within the Captain’s District may call for a Special Election and a Chairman shall be elected to conduct the meeting or such vacancy may be filled by Special Election at a meeting of the JCR.
D. Notice of Meetings. Written or electronic notice of any meeting shall be made to each member of the JCR within the district at least ten days before the meeting. This notice shall state the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting and shall be deemed delivered upon the deposit of the notice in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid or by electronic means, directed to the committee member at his or her address as it appears on the official JCR record, as maintained by the Secretary. Personal or telephone notice may be made at least five days before the meeting.
F. Nomination and Voting Procedures. Special Elections shall follow the manner of nominating and voting as that for electing District Captains.[28]
Section 1. County Assembly.
A. Date and Location. The County Assembly shall be held at a time, date, and place as determined by the Chairman and approved by the Executive Committee, in accordance with Colorado law.[29]
B. All delegates to County Assembly and delegates and alternates to higher assemblies or conventions shall be elected from their respective precincts in accordance with the call of the precinct caucuses.
C. Contents of the Call. The call of the County Assembly shall include a statement of the time, place, and purpose of the Assembly. In addition, the call shall state the number of delegates and alternates to be elected from the precinct caucus to all assemblies and/or conventions. At the request of the chairman of any representative or senate district or the chairman of any other district lying wholly within Jefferson County, the call for the County Assembly shall include the call for the assembly of such district.
D. Date of Assembly. The Assembly shall be held no later than twenty-five (25) days after precinct caucuses and no later than seventy-three (73) days before the primary election day.[30]
Section 2. Qualifications of Delegates and Alternates to Higher Assemblies and Conventions. Unless otherwise provided by law or these bylaws, any delegate or alternate nominated to attend higher assemblies or conventions must have been elected as a delegate from his or her precinct to the County Assembly.
Section 3. Resolutions. Before any resolution may be considered by the County Assembly, it shall be submitted in writing to the Resolutions or Platform Committee of such body not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the County Assembly.
Section 4. Voting in County Assemblies.
A. Proxy Voting. No proxies shall be allowed or recognized in any County Assembly.
B. Unit Rule Voting. For purposes of these bylaws, unit rule voting refers to the practice by which the entire vote of a delegation or a portion of a delegation is cast according to the majority vote within the delegation or portion of a delegation. Unit rule voting shall not be enforced nor adhered to.
C. Cumulative Voting. Cumulative voting shall not be permitted.
D. Balloting. Assembly balloting shall be in accordance with Colorado statute and the voting procedure established for each office within the jurisdiction of the assembly to be filled at the ensuing general election. No delegate shall be entitled to cast more than one vote.
E. Delegate Instruction. The County Assembly may not instruct delegates or alternates to higher assemblies and/or conventions in the manner in which they should or must vote at such higher assemblies and/or conventions.
F. Candidate Eligibility. No person shall be eligible for designation by the County Assembly as a candidate for nomination at any primary election unless such person has been registered to vote as a Republican for at least the twelve months preceding the Assembly and has given the JCR Chairman notice of their intention to be a candidate not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the county assembly..
G. Minimum Representation. Each precinct shall be entitled to representation at the County Assembly by no less than two delegates. If the delegates elected to the County Assembly from a precinct are unable for any reason to vote at said Assembly, the vote(s) of said precinct shall not be cast at said Assembly.
Section 5. Dispute Resolution. From the convening of the County Assembly, the JCR shall have the power to determine controversies about both the regularity of the party organization within Jefferson County and to provide rules that shall govern the JCR in determining such controversies.
Section 6. Credentials Committee of the County Assembly. The elected officers of the JCR shall serve as the Credentials Committee for the purpose of determining the qualifications of any person to serve as a delegate to the County Assembly. If the Credentials Committee is unable to render a decision on the qualification of a person to serve as a delegate to the County Assembly, those delegates who are present and whose qualifications are undisputed shall determine by majority vote whether such person is qualified as a delegate to the County Assembly.
Section 7. Vacancy Committee for Other Assemblies. If no vacancy committee has been selected by an appropriate designating assembly whose boundaries fall solely within Jefferson County, the Vacancy Committee for such assembly shall consist of County Commissioner Assembly Vacancy Committee.
Section 1. In Person Proceedings. All JCR proceedings, including, without limitation, JCR central committee meetings, precinct caucuses and county assemblies shall be held in-person and participants will not be allowed to participate remotely or to cast their vote by e-mail, mail, telephone, or through an internet-based application except as allowed in Section 2. of this Article below.
Section 2. Allowed Remote/Electronic Proceedings. Participants in other than in-person meetings that meet the criteria set forth below may participate remotely and cast their vote, if not prohibited by CRC bylaws or State statute.
A. JCR Committee Meetings. Other than JCR Central Committee meetings, any meeting of a
JCR committee, including, without limitation, Executive Committee, Administration
Committee, Arrangements Committee, Bylaws Committee, Communications Committee, Finance Committee, Training Committee, and Central Committee Vacancy Committee, may be held remotely if the chairman of such committee elects to do so upon not less than five (5) days prior notice to all committee members. The committee chairman will determine the appropriate means of conducting such meeting and allow participants to participate remotely and cast their vote by e-mail, mail, telephone, or through an internet-based application and communicate this in the notice.
B Precinct Caucuses. Precinct caucuses may be conducted remotely only if it is required by statute or CRC bylaws, or by a public health or other governmental order making it not feasible to conduct an in-person caucus. If remote caucuses are necessary for one or more of these reasons, the JCR Executive Committee will develop and implement a plan to conduct remote caucuses giving not less than 10 days prior notice to potential participants of the means by which they can participate.
C. County Assembly. County Assembly may be conducted remotely only if it is required by statute or CRC bylaws, or by a public health or other governmental order making it not feasible to conduct an in-person County Assembly. If a remote County Assembly is necessary for one or more of these reasons, the JCR Executive Committee will develop and implement a plan to conduct a remote County Assembly giving not less than ten (10) days prior notice to potential participants of the means by which they can participate.
Section l. Amending Procedure. These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the JCR by the affirmative vote of sixty percent of those voting members of the JCR who are present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment was submitted to the Bylaws Committee for review in a non-general election year, before the date of the said meeting, and reference was made to the proposed amendment in the notice of the meeting.
The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order11th edition of 2010 by Henry M. Robert III et. al. shall govern the meetings of the JCR, the County Assembly, and all regular or special meetings of the JCR or any of its committees, including any vacancy committee, whenever they are applicable and not inconsistent with these bylaws, the bylaws and rules of the CRC, JCR adopted assembly and meeting rules and applicable law.
Adopted at the August 26, 2023 meeting of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee.
Nancy Palozzi
Chairman, Jefferson County Republican Central Committee
Jackie Schroeder
Secretary, Jefferson County Republican Central Committee
APPENDIX A: Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC)
Section 1: Introduction
The Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC), is a Standing Committee of the Jefferson County Central Committee that administers campaign contribution fund that is separate and segregated from the Jefferson County Republican Committee (JCR),a Colorado unincorporated nonprofit association and political party committee organized under Colorado law and the rules of the Jefferson County Republican Party. The IEC is registered with the Colorado Secretary of State as an “Independent Expenditure Committee” for reporting and compliance purposes pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 1-45-107.5 and other applicable provisions of the Fair Campaign Practices Act and Colorado law.
Section 2: Standing Rules
The following Standing Rules shall govern and restrict the activities of the Jefferson County Republican Party Independent Expenditure Committee (hereafter, “IEC”), its officers and members:
A. IEC Membership and Term:
The IEC shall be managed by a non-voting executive director and a management committee of five (non-compensated) persons, appointed by the Jefferson County Chairman to a fixed term of two years pursuant to Article X, Section 1, paragraph G of the Bylaws of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee.
B. Removal and Vacancies:
The Jefferson County Chairman may only remove the executive director or any member of the independent management committee for cause, such as fraud or malfeasance, upon the recommendation of a majority of the remaining members of the management committee. If the executive director or a member of the management committee resigns or is removed for cause prior to the end of their term, the Jefferson County Chairman may appoint a replacement to fulfill the remainder of the unexpired term.
C. Executive Director Management:
The affairs and operations of the IEC shall be managed by the management committee. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the management committee may delegate its authority to an executive director or to such officers, managers or authorized agents as it shall deem desirable from time to time in order to effectively and properly carry out the necessary business and operations of the IEC. The delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the management committee, or any individual member of the management committee, of any responsibility imposed upon it, her, or him by virtue of their office.
D. Budget and Expenses:
The management committee shall approve an operations and independent expenditure budget and shall authorize or ratify any and all expenditures in excess of ten thousand dollars or contract obligating such expenditures.
E. Committee Independence:
The management or development of any of the plans, projects, activities, or expenditures of the IEC will be conducted independently of any candidate, agent of any candidate, candidate committee, officer, official, staff member or authorized agent of the Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee, including the County Chairman. In every respect, the IEC will strictly operate within the framework defining “coordination” established by Rule 1.4 of the Rules Concerning Campaign and Political Finance promulgated by the Colorado Secretary of State at 8 CCR § 1505-6, and in accordance with the legal definitions of “contribution” and “independent expenditure” in Article XXVIII, § 2(5) and (9) of the Colorado Constitution and applied under relevant provisions of Colorado law.
1. Consultants or Vendors Common to IEC and Candidate/Political Party: With the exception of an attorney, accountant, or bookkeeper who may provide services within the scope of his or her profession, the IEC will not retain or utilize any common consultant or common vendor with the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee or with any Republican candidate for public office that will be the beneficiary of any expenditure by the IEC, unless the common consultant or common vendor places effective barriers (i.e., “firewalls”) to prevent the transmission of nonpublic information between the IEC and the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee and any and all Republican candidates or candidate committees.
2. JCR Voting Membership Prohibited: Neither the executive director, nor any member of the management committee, shall hold any office or position within the regular political party organization of the Jefferson County Republican Party during the term of their appointment as executive director or a member of the management committee.
3. Delegate Election Prohibited: Neither the executive director, nor any member of the management committee may serve as a delegate to any Republican assembly or convention where any Republican candidate is to be nominated or designated to the primary election ballot. With the exception of participating at a Republican precinct caucus meeting or voting in a Republican primary election, neither the executive director nor members of the management committee may participate in the nomination or designation of any Republican candidate for public office.
4. Candidate Campaign and Political Party Participation Limitations: The executive director and management committee shall be prohibited from:
a. Actively participating on the campaign committee or on the finance committee of any candidate for public office that will be the beneficiary or any independent expenditure made by the IEC in the current election cycle.
b. Soliciting or receiving any non-public information from any candidate for state or local public elective office or from any candidate committee or from any agent of such candidate seeking election in the current election cycle regarding that candidate’s campaign strategy, plans, projects, activities, or needs.
c. Consulting with or soliciting or accepting any direction from any candidate for state of local public elective office or from any candidate committee or from any agent of such candidate seeking election in the current election cycle with respect to the development, creation, production or dissemination of any independent expenditure or electioneering communication paid for by the IEC.
d. Soliciting or receiving any non-public information concerning the campaign strategy, plans, projects, activities, or needs of the Jefferson County Executive Committee or of any political party committee affiliated with the Jefferson County Executive Committee at the district or local level. The executive director and members of the management committee are expressly prohibited from consulting with or soliciting or accepting any direction from any officer, agent or committee of any political party committee affiliated with the Jefferson County Executive Committee with respect to the development, creation, production or dissemination of any independent expenditure or electioneering communication paid for by the IEC. Officers, agents and committees of any political party committee affiliated with the Jefferson County Executive Committee will be expressly prohibited from making any such requests or suggestions to the executive director or to any member of the management committee.
5. The executive director and management committee shall not be prohibited from:
a. Attending public events and/or fundraising events at which candidates for public office may appear and/or speak.
b. Contributing in their personal capacity to any political party committee, political committee, issue committee, or candidate for public office or an office in a political organization.
F. Donations and Contributions Limitations:
1. For State and Local Elections Only: The IEC is permitted to accept contributions, expend funds, and make independent expenditures and electioneering communications to support and influence the election of Republican candidates; for public office, or an office in a political organization at the state and local level ONLY, but is prohibited from accepting any contributions or making any expenditures that refer to any candidate for federal office, or are designed or intended to influence the election of any candidate for federal office.
2. Prohibited as a PAC: The IEC is prohibited from accepting any contributions or making any expenditures that would cause the IEC to be treated as a political committee, issue committee, or as federal political committee (federal PAC) under applicable Colorado or federal law.
3. Contribution Sources: Contributions to the IEC will be solicited from legal entities and persons that are permitted to contribute to independent expenditure committees under Colorado law.
G. Solicitation Restrictions:
Contributions may be solicited by the executive director, the IEC, or by other authorized agents of the IEC, including professional fundraisers and fundraising consultants. Contributions to the IEC may also be solicited by the Jefferson County Chairman, or by other authorized agents or representatives of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee.
H. Fund Management:
Funds received will be deposited into one or more designated bank accounts at a bank or branch of a bank located in Jefferson County. While the Jefferson County Chairman and certain representatives of the Jefferson County Republican Executive Committee may be authorized to make deposits into the IEC account and view current account balances for auditing and compliance purposes, the only persons authorized to sign checks, authorize transfers, or obligate or expend any funds of the IEC shall be the IEC executive director and one or more members of the management committee or their designated and authorized agents.
I. Political Advertisements:
In addition to any other applicable requirements provided by law, any communication that is broadcast, printed, mailed, delivered, or otherwise circulated by the IEC that constitutes an independent expenditure shall include in the communication a statement that the communication has been “Paid for by the Jefferson County Republican Party Independent Expenditure Committee” and shall satisfy all applicable requirements promulgated by the Colorado Secretary of State and/or the Federal Communications Commission for size, duration, and placement of the disclaimer.
J. Disclosure and Reporting:
The IEC will fully comply with all disclosure and reporting requirements mandated by C.R.S. § 1-45-107.5 and other applicable provisions of Colorado campaign finance law, and will assist donors to the IEC to fulfill their reporting requirements under the independent expenditure statute. At the request of any contributor to the IEC, the IEC and/or any of members, officers and agents may be appointed to serve as an agent of such contributor to file the necessary reports to disclose the donation to the Colorado Secretary of State as required under C.R.S. § 1-45-107.5 (9)(a) on behalf of such contributor.
K. Pre-primary Neutrality:
The IEC will abide by the requirement of pre-primary neutrality set forth in Article III, Section C of the Colorado Republican Committee Bylaws which provides that “No candidate for any designation or nomination for partisan public office shall be endorsed, supported, or opposed by the CRC, acting as an entity, or by its state officer or committees, before the Primary Election, unless such candidate is unopposed in the Primary Election.”
L. Parliamentary Authority:
The rules in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the IEC in all cases to which they are applicable and not inconsistent with these Standing Rules, any special rules of order adopted by the management committee, the Bylaws of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee or the laws of the State of Colorado. Should any provision of these Standing Rules be in conflict with any provision of the Bylaws of the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee, Colorado Republican State Central Committee, with any local, state, of federal law, or with any rule of the Republican National Committee, then the portion in conflict shall be deemed inoperative and ineffective to the extent of such prohibition without invalidating any of the other provision or portions thereof.
[1] CRS 1-3-102(2)(a)
[2] CRS 1-3-103(1)(b)
[3] JCR Art XII.2
[4] JCR Art III.1 and Art XI.4.A
[5] CRS 1-3-103(1)(c)
[6] JCR Art III.3 and CRS 1-3-102(d)(I) and (II)
[7] CRS 1-3-103(1)(c)
[8] JCR Art III.1
[9] CRS 1-4-602(1)
[10] CRS 1-3-103(1)(c) and CRC bylaws Art XIV D.
[11] JCR Art V.3
[12] CRS 1-12-206 and CRS 1-4-1002
[13] ibid) and CRC bylaws Art XIV D.
[14] CRS 1-3-103 (1)(c)
[15] JCR Art VIII.5
[16] CRS 1-3-102(1)(a)
[17] CRS 1-3-101 and CRS 1-3-101(2)
[18] ibid
[19] JCR Art XI.2
[20] ibid
[21] CRS 1-3-102(2)
[22] CRS 1-3-102
[23] JCR Art XI.4.A
[24] JCR Art V.3.a.1 and CRS 1-3-102(d)(I) and (II)
[25] JCR Art III.1
[26] JCR Art III.1
[27] JCR Art IX.2.A,B and C
[28] JCR Art XIV.2
[29] CRS 1-4-601
[30] CRS 1-4-601 and 1-4-602