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I’m brand new, what is the best way to get involved?

A good entry point is to attend events to learn more about party activities and meet people or to volunteer. Others get involved by visiting clubs where there are guest speakers.

Attending Caucus

What is caucus and who can participate?

A caucus is a meeting open to registered Republicans residing within a precinct. The purpose of the caucus is to:

  1. elect delegates to attend various assemblies;
  2. to recommend party platform stances to the Republican Party, and;
  3. to elect two Precinct Committee Persons (Precinct Captains) to represent the precinct for the subsequent two years.

In order to participate in a Republican caucus, an individual must be a registered Republican for two months prior to the caucus meeting date and residing within the precinct. Check your registration info.

When are caucuses held? How will I know about it?

Caucuses are held every other year, usually in March of even-numbered years (for example 2020, 2022). Signs will be posted around your caucus location, often a local high school. We will also send out notifications for caucus from our email list. Staying in touch with the Jeffco Republican Party will ensure you don’t miss a thing!

Party Structure and Organization

What is the Central Committee?

The Central Committee is comprised of the people who are elected to represent their precincts, district captain areas, and the officers, which include the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. In addition, the Central Committee includes County Party officers (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary), Area Coordinators (appointed by the Chair), Committee Chairs (appointed by the Chair), the County Party Treasurer, elected officials, and the Judicial District Chair. Every two years the Party reorganizes and the elected positions are voted on.

What is a precinct?

A precinct is basically a neighborhood. The boundaries are determined during reapportionment after the census, which is held every ten years. There are usually between 1200 and 2000 voters in a precinct.

What does the precinct number mean?

The complete precinct number tells you the precinct’s Congressional district, its State Senate and House district numbers, the county and the precinct number/code.

Example precinct number = 3085723099

3 = Congressional district
08 = State senate district
57 = State house district
23 = County code
099 = Precinct number/code

What is a Precinct Committee Person (PCP)?

The PCP is elected at the Party caucus held every two years, in even years. There are spots for two elected PCPs for each precinct. These PCPs represent their neighbors at the County Party level for a two-year cycle.

PCPs organize their precinct by blocks and streets and recruit and train volunteers to help with canvassing and campaigns. At the subsequent caucus, these PCPs will run the precinct caucus.

What is a District Captain?

District Captains (DCs) are elected by PCPs from each Captain’s District (4-9 precincts) every two years, at the reorganizational meeting. Two DCs are elected. The DCs organize their precincts for the Party, to identify, register, and mobilize voters to the polls to win elections for Republican candidates. DCs are the link between the County Party, the Area Coordinators, and PCPs.

What is an Area Coordinator?

Area Coordinators (ACs) are appointed by the Chair to organize their House District for the County Party. ACs work closely with their House District chairs to organize and mobilize the district, monitor their data using a data dashboard, determine goals for the district, and assist Republican candidates to get elected. A House District has one or more Senate District and ACs and HD Chairs also work closely with Senate Chairs.

Who is on the Executive Committee?

The Executive Committee is comprised of County Party Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer); elected officials; Area Coordinators (appointed by the Chair); Committee Chairs (appointed by the Officers); House and Senate District Chairs; and the Judicial District Chair. The Executive Committee holds monthly meetings at Headquarters.

How often and when do new people get elected to the Central Committee?

People are elected to represent their precincts and districts every two years, in even years, during the County Republican reorganizational meeting.

I want to vote in person. Will I need identification?

Yes, identification is required. The Secretary of State’s website has lists of acceptable information here.

Paid for by the Jefferson County Republican Central Committee, Registered Agent, Rich Wyatt.

©2025 Jefferson County Republican Party